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Weather Selva - Weather forecast for your holiday in Selva

The weather today, Thursday 06/02/2025
Lots of sunshine

Initially, the sun will shine throughout the region. As the day progresses, a few harmless patches of cloud will appear from the north.
Initially, the sun will shine throughout the region. As the day progresses, a few harmless patches of cloud will appear from the north. After a frosty morning, temperatures will rise to 5°/11°.

The weather tomorrow, Friday 07/02/2025
Sun and clouds

Friday will be partly cloudy with some sunny spells.
Friday will be partly cloudy with some sunny spells. In the morning it is frosty in many valleys, in the afternoon the temperatures are between 4° in Sterzing and 8° in Meran.The weather of the coming days
Lots of clouds and some sun at the weekend

°  /  °°  /  °°  /  °
On Saturday, it will often be cloudy and the sun will only appear occasionally. Sunday will continue with clouds and sunshine. Monday will be partly cloudy with a few sunny spells. Tuesday is expected to be mostly cloudy.

Check availability:
Apartments L’ea

Lardschneider Markus

Via Larciunei, 31 - 39048 Selva (BZ)

Tel. (0039) 0471 79 54 56


Apartments L’ea - Lardschneider Markus
Via Larciunei, 31 - 39048 Selva (BZ) - Tel. (0039) 0471 79 54 56 - E-mail: